Saturday, September 7, 2019

Application of Herzberg’s two –factor Theory in the Vehicle Sales Industry

Dartey-Baah and Amoako (2011), emphasis that Herzberg divided motivation in to two factors: Motivator and Hygiene’s further, two factors determine employee’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction about their job. Shermerhorn (2001), emphasizing that Herzberg's two-factor theory of clarifies the motivational effects of the work environment.

Motivation factors such as recognition, achievement, responsibility, growth, opportunities and promotion make high motivation and high satisfaction further, Hygiene factors include salary, Working Conditions, Job Security, personal life, Company policies and administration create general satisfaction (Kim, 2006).Herzberg says best way to motivate the employees is to give challenging work that they can take responsibility (Leach and Westbrook, 2000).

 Video 4: Motivating Your Team Using Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors

Source: (MindToolsVideos, 2018)

Above video illustrate the application of Herzberg’s Motivation and Hygiene factors. Motivation factors increase the job satisfaction and hygiene factors lead to dissatisfaction of employees. 

The Company which I work for is leading company engaged in selling motor vehicles, the current facilities provided by the company are as follows.

Motivation Factors

Employees get extra amount of money or incentive for their achievement and receive good appreciation on the result. Organization held recognition program to motivate employees such as award ceremony and employee day. Employees work under good working environment that they feel interested while working. Organization has given different responsibilities based on their job role and chance to implement their own ideas. Each employee get chance to promote for their achievement. Human Resource department implement various product training to improve employees skill and trade.

Hygiene Factors

Organization has introduced new policies and administration system employees to carry out their work effectively further, flexible working hours and extra leave entitlement are the new benefits that they have introduced. Employees have good relationship with superiors and management. Organization has provided good working condition and facilities such as food, uniform and transport. Employees get good salary and overtime for their workload. Dependent also get free medical coverage, books, school uniform for their children and more benefit there for, employees can balance personal life without interruption. Employees can work up until age 60 and they get same benefits idea that, organization wants them to feel a job security.

Dartey-Baah, K. and Amoako, G.K. (2011).Application of Frederick Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory in Assessing and Understanding Employee Motivation at Work: A Ghanaian Perspective. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol 3, No.9.
·         Kim, D. (2006).Employee Motivation: “Just Ask Your Employees” Seoul Journal of Business .Volume 12, Number 1.
·         Leach,F.J., Westbrook, J.D. (2000). Motivation and Job Satisfaction in One Governmentresearch and Development Environment. Engineering Management Journal. Vol.12, Iss. 4; pg. 3-9.
·         Schermerhorn,J.R, (2001): Management, Six Edition. John Wiley Sons, Inc., 285-287.

1 comment:

  1. Hygiene factors are not directly related to the job and the presence of such conditions does not necessarily build strong motivation but necessary to prevent dissatisfaction. The absence of motivational factors does not prove highly dissatisfying but when present, they build strong levels of motivation that result in good job performance (Baah & Amoako, 2011).
