Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Benefits of Employee Motivation

Motivated employees highly productive and force other to work harder there for, it is important organization to implement different motivation factors to improve productivity (Dugguh, 2014).According to Adi (2000), Employee’s qualification or capability cannot measure their performance idea that, only desire for work has to be implement which help in improving level of performance, increase productivity and reduce the cost of operation. This will improve the efficiency of employees.

Anka (1988), emphasis motivation increase employee satisfaction .Organization can provide incentive, promotion, and opportunities for employee’s .This will create good relationship with employee and organization as a result, organization can increase the profit through increase productivity further, employee motivation leads to achieve of organization goals.

Skilled and efficiency of employees and their experience, qualification are asset to any organization this implies reputation and goodwill of organization (Rothberg, 2005).According to Weitz, Sujan and Sujan (1986) salespeople demonstrate different tricks when dealing with customers and their effort measure the performance. Only motivated salespeople can change sales behavior according to situation as a result, salespeople can improve conversion ratio and increase the sales.

Carr and Tang (2005), stated giving a period of leave for study, travel or sickness called sabbatical and it create loyalty and trust between employee and organization further, organization can reduce the cost of employee and once they return more motivated than before. Properly plan sabbatical reinforce the employees, making them more motivated as a result, organization can increase the productivity (Bradford, 2001).

Video 2:Benefits of Motivated Staff (Full Version)

Source: (Blackbourn, 2019)

Above video illustrate the benefit of employee motivation. Highly motivated employees performance level is higher, and they are very efficiency further, employees are happy with the work that they do and never leave the company this Will create low employee turnover. Employees share their desire to work with outsiders therefor, organization can easily recruit new employees. Motivated employees work without any supervision. This will lead to save money for extra supervision. Motivated employees don’t take unnecessary leave, and they don’t waste organization resources. Motivated employs maintain higher satisfaction level of customer, and it is good for organization goodwill and reputation.


  • Adi, D.Y., (2000). Motivation as a Means of Effective Staff Productivity in the Public Sector: A Case Study of Nigerian Immigration Service, Borno State of Nigeria. Unpublished MPA Thesis. School University of Maiduguri Nigeria.
  • Anka, L. M. A., (1988, March-April). Corporate Objectives and Self Development: The Specialist International. Journal of Institute of Management Specialist, 3(5).
  • Bradford, M. (2001). Sabbatical programs becoming valuable way to retain employees. Business Insurance, 35, 10–12,
  • Carr, A.E., Tang,T.L.P.(2005). Sabbaticals and Employee Motivation: Benefits, Concerns and Implications. Journal of Education for Business.
  • Dugguh, .S.I. (2014). Using Motivation Theories to Enhance Productivity in Cement Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria: An Overview. The international Journal of Social Science, Vol.20, No1.
  • Rothberg, G., (2005, Fourth Quarter). The Role of Idea in the Managers Workplace: Theory and Practice. Pakistan Management Review, XLII (4), 48-73.
  • Weitz, B., Sujan, H. and Sujan, M. (1986). Knowledge, Motivation, and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness. Journal of Marketing, 50(4), pp.174-191.


  1. Agreed. Employee motivation also will benefit the organisation in the manner of retention. Recruitment and training is an expensive process in the enterprise A company that retains skilled employees and minimizes turnover will reduce this expense and increase its profits. The best way is to create a corporate culture and cultivate proactive employees. Businesses have a good reputation in good or bad places. If you manage to gain the reputation of the former, you will have a constant stream of people who want to work for the organisation, and those who are working now will hesitate to leave. These factors will contribute to the development of a stable and productive corporate culture(McKee, 2018).

    1. Agreed.Under Retention and Recruitment evaluating employees, attractive salaries, rewards and recognition can get competitive advantage.Organization can keep employees by giving something more than the competitors (Shammot , 2014).

  2. Agreed with benefits mentioned on motivation, With a proper motivative employee, an organization can accomplish anything. Motivated employees attitude leads to higher productivity, higher customer satisfaction and higher profit. Managers strive to motivate people in the organization to perform at high levels but in most settings, motivation is the difficult these factors to manage. Motivate employee always work with a pleasant work environment where they tend to be more happy to work with higher productivity (Dobre, 2013).

    1. Thanks for your input Nayani. I agreed with the statement. The feelings and attitudes of workers to their work are significantly affected by their sources of motivation and demotivation. The attitude of employers is directly related to job satisfaction (Roos and Eeden, 2008).

  3. In addition to above following benefits can be listed.Employee retention,Optimum use of resources , Building a performance oriented environment,staff can face uncertain business challenges (Varma,2017).

    1. According to Ahmada, Tariqb and Hussainc (2015), employee turnover is the concept of number of employees hired to replace those who left the organization within a period of time and to prevent this organization should develop new polices and strategies to improve higher level of retention and motivation.

  4. An employees work doesn't solely depends on his qualifications but also the need to do the job. therefore, the need has to be triggered through motivation where all the other factors will improve accordingly like productivity and efficiency (Adi, 2000).

    1. Thanks for your input Shakir. Organization has to identify the need of employees in education and apply appropriate factors of motivation for their more effective work (Andevski1 and Arsenijevic,2012).

  5. You have well explained on the advantages of motivating the employees of the organization that directly impact on achieving its goals and objectives in a proper manner. Highly motivated employees perform well and they are very efficiency and are happy with the work.

    1. Agreed. Organizational success depends on employees Motivation further,motivation help employees towards achieving goals, gaining positive perspective,improve their development and helping others(Osabiya,2015).

  6. Hi Sankalpa, There are two types of benefits basically –financial and moral benefits. Every incentive plan, and any good organization has such a program in place, should provide for the right balance between these two advantages. The effective incentive scheme as individual employees have individual preferences, can not ignore these two motivation aspects (Armstrong and Murlis, 2007).

    1. Monetary and non-monetary rewards that affect the motivation of employees in Organization.Monetary rewards include rewards, bonuses, benefits, insurance, incentives, promotions and employment and non-monetary rewards motivate employees through evaluation,employer care and awareness (Yousaf et al.2014).

  7. Agree with your comments whereas, one of the most important assets to an organization are its committed and motivated employees higher level of involvement towards the job (Denton,1987), furthermore, it is rewarding for a organization to have motivated and committed employees with high productivity (Denton, 1987).

    1. Agreed. Employee motivation and efficiency are important tools of successful organization.Employees are not satisfied with their work and are not willing to accomplish their work their goal, the organization cannot be successful (Jakobi,2013).

  8. The motivated employees surely are the ones who will take the organization right the top in today's competitive business world. Vanek (2012), explains that in the 21st Century, it is the Human resource, more or less the ones with knowledge and higher productivity are the biggest assets the organisations possess.

    1. Knowledge, skills, abilities and employee attitude and motivation lead to a competitive advantage (Allen and Wright, 2006).

  9. Hi Sankalpa, as you explained according to Dugguh (2014), motivated employees enhance the productivity of their performance and it will lead to enhance the profitability of the organizations. But there is a potential drawback of financial rewards is that they can lead to burn out. Employees may work long days, nights and weekends in an effort to boost their chances of receiving rewards, but this may cause employees to feel overworked. Overwork can lead to problems like low morale and lower productivity per hour spent at work. Therefore organizations should careful on above matter.

  10. Agreed, Employee satisfaction is of utmost importance for employees to remain happy and also deliver their level best. Satisfied employees are the ones who are extremely loyal towards their organization and stick to it even in the worst scenario. The first benefit of employee satisfaction is that individuals hardly think of leaving their current jobs. Employee satisfaction is essential to ensure higher revenues for the organization. Satisfied employees tend to adjust more and handle pressure with ease as compared to frustrated ones.
